New Mobile Friendly Site

We are pleased to introduce the initial release of a new mobile friendly site to help you better interact with the daily readings and weekly stream on your phone or tablet.  You can find it at  It also works great on your desktop browser.  This is a work in process, and this initial release is pretty bare bones; but it does offer a couple features we don't have on our main site.  Here's a rundown of what we have so far.

About us

Sunday mornings begin with Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 a.m. Our Worship Service starts at 10:00 a.m.

Our congregation is a multi-generational and an ethnically diverse group of people who gather every Sunday to lift up our worship to God and His Son Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit which unites us.

You will find our worship style is a balance of contemporary popular worship songs, traditional hymns & choruses. The Bible is central in the preaching and teaching at NVBC.

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